Denseness results for zeros and roots of unity in character tables
Alexander R. Miller
Short character values on large conjugacy classes
Alexander R. Miller
Character and class parameters from entries of character tables of symmetric groups
Alexander R. Miller
Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations for zeros in character tables of symmetric groups
Alexander R. Miller and Danny Scheinerman
Math. Comp. 94 (2025) 505-515
Covering numbers for characters of symmetric groups
Alexander R. Miller
Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., to appear
Vanishing results for character tables
Alexander R. Miller
Oberwolfach Reports 19 (2022) 2288-2291
The characters of symmetric groups that depend only on length
Alexander R. Miller
Math. Z. 304 (2023), no. 9, 1-14
On Foulkes characters
Alexander R. Miller
Math. Ann. 381 (2021) 1589-1614
The sparsity of character tables of high rank groups of Lie type
Michael J. Larsen and Alexander R. Miller
Represent. Theory 25 (2021) 173-192
Zeros and roots of unity in character tables
Alexander R. Miller
Enseign. Math. 70 (2024) 151-164
Many zeros of many characters of GL(n,q)
Patrick X. Gallagher, Michael J. Larsen, and Alexander R. Miller
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2022, 4376-4386
Dense proportions of zeros in character values
Alexander R. Miller
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I 357 (2019) 771-772
Character restrictions and reflection groups
Eugenio Giannelli and Alexander R. Miller
J. Algebra 531 (2019) 336-348
On parity and characters of symmetric groups
Alexander R. Miller
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 162 (2019) 231-240
Walls in Milnor fiber complexes
Alexander R. Miller
Doc. Math. 23 (2018) 1247-1261
Milnor fiber complexes and some representations
Alexander R. Miller
Oberwolfach Reports 15 (2018) 109-113
Orthogonal polynomials and Smith normal form
Alexander R. Miller and Dennis Stanton
Monatsh. Math. 187 (2018) 125-145
Some characters that depend only on length
Alexander R. Miller
Math. Res. Lett. 24 (2017) 879-891
Eigenspace arrangements of reflection groups
Alexander R. Miller
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015) 8543-8578
Foulkes characters for complex reflection groups
Alexander R. Miller
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015) 3281-3293
The probability that a character value is zero for the symmetric group
Alexander R. Miller
Math. Z. 277 (2014) 1011-1015
Reflection arrangements and ribbon representations
Alexander R. Miller
European J. Combin. 39 (2014) 24-56
Reflection arrangements and ribbon representations
Alexander R. Miller
Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Minnesota, 2013. 64 pp. ISBN: 978-1303-51327-5
Differential posets have strict rank growth: a conjecture of Stanley
Alexander R. Miller
Order 30 (2013) 657-662
unpublished letter presented in talks
Note on 1-crossing partitions
M. Bergerson, A. Miller, A. Pliml, V. Reiner, P. Shearer, D. Stanton, and N. Switala
Ars Combin. 99 (2011) 83-87
Differential posets and Smith normal forms
Alexander Miller and Victor Reiner
Order 26 (2009) 197-228